Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy, France
How to plan your trip to France, Italy, and Greece depends on how much time you have to travel and the experiences you wish to have, but our examples can help you find the best ways to divide your time during a personalized trip.
Step into the grandeur of the Sun King as you explore Versailles. Bask in the glory of an empire in the heart of Rome’s Colosseum. Witness the breadth of Western Civilization at the Parthenon in Athens. Whether looking for distinguished cuisine or celebrated wines, colorful beaches or timeless sunsets, you can find charm, beauty, opulence, and layers of history.
A customizable Zicasso tour can help you organize your trip according to your timeline and preferences for the perfect France, Italy, and Greece trip.
Paris, France
Experience the essential highlights of Paris, explore the splendors of Rome, embrace the layered history of Athens, and indulge in the natural wonders of Santorini when you enjoy a 10-day trip to France, Italy, and Greece.
You can wander through the Louvre and travel to the top of the Eiffel Tower, uncover the vast corners of the Vatican Museum and stand at the base of the Trevi Fountain, walk through an ancient neighborhood at the foot of the Acropolis and lounge on a beach that edges a bubbling caldera.
Ten days is a perfect amount of time in which to sample the highlights, as you indulge in ancient history and contemporary luxuries in the countries.
Where to Visit During Your Vacation
Days 1-3: Paris
Days 4-6: Rome
Days 7-8: Athens
Days 9-10: Santorini
Santorini, Greece
The opulence of the past can come to life on a 14-day tour of France, Italy, and Greece, as you travel to Paris, the Loire Valley, Rome, Tuscany, Athens, and Santorini.
With an incredible collection of things to see and do, you can witness masterpieces on display in the Louvre, visit grand palaces soaring over the Loire Valley, and find imperial ruins that add to the fabric of modern Rome.
Wander charming medieval towns that crown Tuscan hilltops, view marble luxuries that once decorated Athenian temples, and enjoy marvelous panoramas that sweep across Santorini’s cliffs on a trip of a lifetime.
Where to Visit During Your Vacation
Days 1-3: Paris
Days 4-5: Loire Valley
Days 6-8: Rome
Days 9-10: Florence/Tuscany
Days 11: Athens
Days 12-14: Santorini
Venice, Italy
With natural wonder and cultural heritage to explore, you can find endless immersive experiences as you travel on a 21-day France, Italy, and Greece tour. Enjoy a chocolate tour and the culinary majesty of Paris, and traverse the island monastery of Mont Saint-Michel.
View the Sistine Chapel in Rome, witness the Birth of Venus in Florence, and cruise the canals of Venice. Delight in a view of the Parthenon from a lively local cafe in Athens, bask on a pristine Mykonos beach, and visit an ancient city covered in ash on Santorini, with each new experience unraveling the depth of wonder each destination offers.
Where to Visit During Your Vacation
Days 1-3: Paris
Days 4-6: Normandy
Days 7-9: Rome
Days 10-12: Florence/Tuscany
Days 13-14: Venice
Days 15-16: Athens
Days 17-18: Mykonos
Days 19-20: Santorini
Athens, Greece
The beauty of France, Italy, and Greece can take you to the heart of the Mediterranean or the jewels of the Alps, the center of epicurean delights or the home of Western Civilization.
Discover the network of grand palaces and pilgrimage routes, beaches and lively cafes as you embrace the culture and heritage that exemplifies the three countries. Our France, Italy, and Greece Tours has plenty of inspiration for planning your perfect trip.
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