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Machu Picchu Travel Agents & Reviews

Ratings of Zicasso's Service

At Zicasso, we excel at helping you get your vacation planned. Not just any vacation, but an exceptional one filled with inspiring and life-enriching experiences.

Our approach is different. We don’t plan your vacation ourselves. We’re experts at finding and matching travelers to travel specialists from the top 10% of the industry.

Each Machu Picchu travel agent has been meticulously screened and has the expertise and local connections to handle every element of your vacation.

Zicasso connects you to top travel agencies specializing in Machu Picchu

At Zicasso, we excel at helping you get your vacation planned. Not just any vacation, but an exceptional one filled with inspiring and life-enriching experiences.

Our approach is different. We don’t plan your vacation ourselves. We’re experts at finding and matching travelers to travel specialists from the top 10% of the industry.

Each Machu Picchu travel agent has been meticulously screened and has the expertise and local connections to handle every element of your vacation.

Life-Enriching Travel

  1. 1.

    Trips curated by the world’s top destination experts

  2. 2.

    Concierge-level service leading up to and during your trip

  3. 3.

    Unique, exclusive experiences and insider access

Ratings of Zicasso's Service
Travel agent Paul in Peru

Paul's Travel Agency


 Based on 394 reviews

See Paul's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador
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Verified Review

Catherine C.
Submitted on 10.29.2024

Our experience working with the Zicasso travel agency was wonderful on many fronts! The owner worked with us from the onset of planning and was patient and thorough in answering our questions and asking about our desires when visiting Peru. His initial proposal was detailed and covered the areas we wanted to see. When we asked for a change, he accommodated our wishes. After the trip was planned and the deposit sent, He stayed in touch with us and answered all questions promptly and thoroughly. While we were in the country, he was extremely helpful with a passport problem and we were all thankful for his experience and communication. Our agent and all who work for him were true professionals and we were certainly well taken care of!

All of the employees and guides we had on the trip were the best! We especially appreciated our guides, one of whom was from Cusco, and our driver, who kept us safe in traffic. Our Cusco guide was incredibly knowledgeable and gave us so much information about all the sights we went to. He was kind, funny, and very accommodating! The other guide was helpful and we appreciated his calm nature. In Lima, we also had an excellent guide.

Our travel company was such a superb group to work with and we would recommend them to anyone wishing to travel to Peru!

Travel agent Joy in Ecuador

Joy's Travel Agency


 Based on 28 reviews

See Joy's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador
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Verified Review

Mona V.
Submitted on 11.1.2024

Our trip to Peru was truly magical! Zicasso got us in touch with our amazing travel agent, who talked with us and really worked hard to tailor the trip to our wishes. She made great suggestions and included a few things we were interested in as well. She was also incredibly helpful and available during our trip.

The trip was a mix of adventure and romance. We flew over the Nazca Lines, road sand dunes, had a romantic dinner under a huge tent in the desert, visited local artisan shops in Paracas, rode Peruvian horses around the Sacred Valley, visited Machu Picchu, climbed Huayna Picchu, rode the luxurious Hiram Bingham train, and enjoyed a food tour and coffee/chocolate tasting in Barranco.

The hotels were top-notch in each city we visited. They had beautiful locations, friendly staff, and amazing services!

Our tour guides were also top-notch. They were friendly, helpful, knowledgeable, and engaging. Three stood out to us: our guides in Paracas and Cusco, and our driver in Cusco.

Overall, our trip wasn’t long enough for how much fun we were having! The people of Peru are so welcoming, the food is delicious, and the sites are magical.

Travel agent Juan in Galapagos Office

Juan's Travel Agency


 Based on 57 reviews

See Juan's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador
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Verified Review

Jeff J.
Submitted on 12.21.2023

We were extremely pleased with the service provided by our travel agency, which made our first trip to Ecuador smooth, easy, and memorable. We could not have asked more of our guide, who introduced us to the culture, history, food, and architecture of Quito. Her knowledge of the area was encyclopedic.

Our guide in the Amazon Rainforest was a superb naturalist who shared his knowledge freely, leading us to an eye-opening experience in the jungle. The cruise aboard the Galapagos Legend was first-class in every way.

Zicasso’s tour operator also saw to it that we made our transportation connections, which certainly relieved the stress associated with that aspect of traveling in a new country.

The itinerary put together by our travel agent ran the gamut of Ecuador, from the Amazon Rainforest to historic Quito, the Ecuador highlands, and the Galapagos Islands. We could not have been more pleased with the trip, which leaves us with memories for years to come.

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Travel agent Veronica in Peru

Veronica's Travel Agency


 Based on 290 reviews

See Veronica's profile


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Verified Review

Richard A.
Submitted on 9.3.2023

Our experiences on this trip were 100% enjoyable and our travel agency was superb.

Travel agent Victoria in Peru

Victoria's Travel Agency


 Based on 127 reviews

See Victoria's profile


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Verified Review

Jaimie S.
Submitted on 10.11.2024

We had such an amazing trip to Peru with Zicasso’s travel company! Our agent was so responsive while we were planning the trip, preparing for it, and on the trip. She really listened to me to help personalize the tour so it would be everything we wanted, which it really was!

Our guide was also wonderful. He knew everything from ancient Incan history to which bathrooms would have toilet paper! And yes, he even provided it when necessary. Peru is absolutely enchanting and our travel company is the perfect way to experience it!

Travel agent Heather in Peru

Heather's Travel Agency


 Based on 13 reviews

See Heather's profile


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Verified Review

Beatrix H.
Submitted on 8.18.2019

Overall, I was satisfied with the services of this travel team. The availability before and during the trip was excellent. The proposed accommodations and itinerary were good. The local operators were efficient and ensured seamless organization.