Scarlet macaws at Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica

Nature & Wildlife Travel Agents & Reviews

Ratings of Zicasso's Service

At Zicasso, we excel at helping you get your vacation planned. Not just any vacation, but an exceptional one filled with inspiring and life-enriching experiences.

Our approach is different. We don’t plan your vacation ourselves. We’re experts at finding and matching travelers to travel specialists from the top 10% of the industry.

Each has been meticulously screened and has the expertise and local connections to handle every element of your vacation.

Zicasso connects you to top travel agencies specializing in Nature & Wildlife vacations

At Zicasso, we excel at helping you get your vacation planned. Not just any vacation, but an exceptional one filled with inspiring and life-enriching experiences.

Our approach is different. We don’t plan your vacation ourselves. We’re experts at finding and matching travelers to travel specialists from the top 10% of the industry.

Each has been meticulously screened and has the expertise and local connections to handle every element of your vacation.

Life-Enriching Travel

  1. 1.

    Trips curated by the world’s top destination experts

  2. 2.

    Concierge-level service leading up to and during your trip

  3. 3.

    Unique, exclusive experiences and insider access

Ratings of Zicasso's Service
Travel agent Charlotte in Costa Rica

Charlotte's Travel Agency


 Based on 14 reviews

See Charlotte's profile


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Costa Rica

Verified Review

camille C.
Submitted on 8.27.2024

From the time we landed to our departure, we had a fabulous vacation. Zicasso’s tour company was a pleasure to work with, and a special thank you to our agent and our outstanding guide.

Our agent listened carefully to our expectations and planned a perfect itinerary that included all the excursions we requested. Her choice of guides was ideal for our multi-generation vacation. The itinerary was explicit, which was very helpful, as were the packing list and last-minute details. Every question we had was answered promptly.

We could not have been more pleased with our travel company and our nine-day trip to Costa Rica.

Travel agent Natalie in South Africa

Natalie's Travel Agency


 Based on 111 reviews

See Natalie's profile


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South Africa

Verified Review

Vivien W.
Submitted on 10.23.2024

We have traveled overseas on many occasions and have always undertaken the planning/booking process ourselves, until this trip. Due to my minor accessibility issues, we decided not to burden a standard travel group with our issues, hence the use of Zicasso's travel partner to develop a travel package for ourselves. The trip involved travel to and from Brisbane (Australia) to Victoria Falls, the Okavango Delta, Cape Town, and Kruger National Park.

Overall, the planning stage was well managed, with multiple changes to the program being accepted and dealt with by our travel company, including some very late changes. We applaud our agent for her diligence in ensuring our needs were always met.

Being our first foray into the African continent, we were put at ease having a locally-based travel advisor on hand to attend to such matters as travel via light plane to remote field airstrips and onward to even more remote wilderness camps. At no stage during the trip did we have reason to question the planning and organization that saw us utilizing the services of flight managers, vehicle transfers, tours, boat tours, and government (cross-country immigration and customs) services.

The two-week trip saw us complete our wishlist, with expectations being met and exceeded, such as being up close with the Big Five.

The trip went without a hitch, apart from expected minor delays at several airports.

Travel agent Alex in Costa Rica

Alex's Travel Agency


 Based on 322 reviews

See Alex's profile


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Costa Rica

Verified Review

Adam M.
Submitted on 10.7.2024

The whole crew at our Zicasso travel agency was the absolute best! We planned a nine-day trip through Arenal, Monte Verde, and Manuel Antonio.

They provided a great list of options for daily activities that we were able to select from to create a picture-perfect honeymoon.

Drivers were always prompt and helpful in providing background information about the local sites, culture, and history. They even made some off-the-tour stops at our request to show us beaches and find great coffee, chocolate, and ice cream.

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Travel agent Pierre in Costa Rica

Pierre's Travel Agency


 Based on 56 reviews

See Pierre's profile


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Costa Rica
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Verified Review

Peri D.
Submitted on 12.17.2024

The trip was great. The hotels were particularly amazing and I have stayed at many hotels around the world. Tabacón was so unique, it could be my favorite part of the trip. My husband and son absolutely loved the resort and the gorgeous private beach (and monkeys). 

All of the excursions were amazing, except one. The horseback riding was on such a unique and wide open trail, we felt like we were alone in paradise on horseback (and the boys both expected to hate it!). Except for the fishing, the guides on every single tour were truly incredible and enhanced every experience. I would think twice before recommending that particular fishing charter. They were barely friendly and very unhelpful. 

Other than that, everything was perfect. Somehow, they even made the long ride from Arenal to Manuel Antonio pleasant. Zicasso's travel agent put together a wonderful experience.

Travel agent Mauricio in Costa Rica

Mauricio's Travel Agency


 Based on 11 reviews

See Mauricio's profile


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Costa Rica

Verified Review

Diane D.
Submitted on 1.4.2025

This was our first extended family trip and our first trip to Costa Rica. There were seven of us – four adults and three young adults. We were traveling in memory of my father-in-law, who died the previous year. We wanted a balance of rainforest and beach, exploration and relaxation. Zicasso’s trip planner was amazing – hands down the best travel agent I have ever worked with. From our first 45-minute Zoom call to the updates to the itinerary to in-country dinner reservations, it was perfect. The transportation, venues, guides, and resorts were top-notch. For our next trip to Costa Rica, we will be in touch with our agent again! I would recommend him to anyone looking to travel.

Travel agent Sonia in Costa Rica

Sonia's Travel Agency


 Based on 75 reviews

See Sonia's profile


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Costa Rica

Verified Review

Olga P.
Submitted on 8.15.2023

We had an amazing trip to Costa Rica and feel that, overall, the travel agency did an amazing job accommodating the needs/interests of our group of seven by finding fun and accessible excursions for us. 

All private transport was on time (or early) and the drivers were incredibly friendly. The accommodations were very nice and the tours were fantastic. We feel there was great value for the price we paid. This was a trip of a lifetime!

Travel agent Steven in New Zealand office

Steven's Travel Agency


 Based on 154 reviews

See Steven's profile


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New Zealand

Verified Review

Anne M.
Submitted on 8.7.2024

We have just returned from our first two-week visit to Australia. We are a family of four, with kids aged 18 and 16. Considering the size of Australia, the time of the year, and length of the trip, we used Zicasso's travel partner to help plan our perfect trip. Our agent listened to what we were interested in and planned the best trip for us! We spent time in Sydney, Port Douglas, and Uluru. Our domestic flights, accommodations, transfers, tours, and excursions were all planned perfectly and without hiccups. She was available during our trip for any and all last-minute questions and changes. I would highly recommend our travel company and we will be using them again when we check out New Zealand!

Travel agent Karem in Ecuador

Karem's Travel Agency


 Based on 20 reviews

See Karem's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador

Verified Review

Ashlie C.
Submitted on 5.12.2024

We had an absolutely amazing trip. Our Zicasso travel agent made our vacation very special. She put together a trip that took us to all of Ecuador's regions, with fantastic guides who went above and beyond.

The lodge in the Amazon was such an adventure and the cruise in the Galapagos gave a perfect glimpse into the islands.

Our agent’s attention to detail made our entire trip so easy and stress-free. All we had to do was enjoy our adventure. From Cotopaxi to diving Kicker Rock with hammerhead sharks to seeing endless wildlife in the Amazon, our agent and her company created the perfect trip, and I can’t recommend them enough.

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